Bringing down the house…

Griffin House knows his folk-Americana. Based out of Nashville, but born and bread a midwesterner, House creates pitch perfect sentimental melodies. His arrangements don’t overwhelm and are complimented perfectly by his smooth and smokey voice. Honestly, a part of me hates to compare him to anyone, but House channels some of music’s greats, throwing in a little Neil Young here and a little Springsteen there. House never tries to be something he’s not and it’s hard not to love that about him. His songwriting theory – “I had a teacher who told us the only rule of songwriting is, ‘Apply ass to chair.’ That’s my only trick, to just sit down and do it.” His music is a wonderfully wise collision of humor and emotion. With this year’s release of The Learner, House gives the people more of what we heard on Flying Upside Down. House’s tracks are beautifully simple and in many ways they feel comfortable, as if your ears were made to hear music like this.

I am posting a couple tracks today, two favorites from House’s new album, The Leaner, and my all time favorite from Flying Upside Down because every girl wants to be the girl in this song….The Guy That Says Goodbye to You Is Out of His Mind.

River City Lights

Standing At the Station


The Guy That Says Goodbye to You Is Out of His Mind