Bad Blake = Jeff Bridges

I don’t think I have ever seen a movie as visually stunning and yet hard to watch as Crazy Heart. This film’s narrative is riveting on it’s own, but it is the music that transforms this story of Bad Blake into a legend. T Bone Burrnett and Ryan Bingham produced a soundtrack with both symmetry and heart, perfectly reflecting the soul of a tortured, yet fiercely talented addict. The two producers and musicians created a beautiful musical journey and while Jeff Bridges’s brought the character of Bad Blake to life, the music brought him into the audience’s hearts. As cheesy as this sounds – it is impossible to listen to “The Weary Kind” without feeling that sadness and loss we see Bad suffer throughout his demise and recovery. Ryan Bingham’s voice is truly the prefect fit for this heavy hearted tune, the smokey texture of his croon transports you into Bad’s world of cigarettes, booze and excess – where you only hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I would describe this track as an experience, a song with a life all it’s own and it’s one you want to hear more about.